Each month I list the top 5 Outdoors Instagram accounts that have inspired me with stunning photography, interesting story-telling or both. So here we go: This is the second month in a row that I’ve struggled to cull my list down to a Top 5. It seems that everyone has been out in full swing getting some amazing outdoors photos of late. 1. Since I […]

A Journey Through Time-lapse – The Overland Track, Tasmania
A collection of time-lapses filmed during my solo hike along the Overland Track, Tasmania, Australia. The amazing music was graciously provided by Jesse Daniel Smith and used with his permission. You can check out much more of his work here at jessedanielsmith.com.
The best Outdoors Instagram accounts of August 2015
Each month I list the top 5 Outdoors Instagram accounts that have inspired me with stunning photography or interesting story-telling. So here we go: This was, without a doubt, the toughest Top 5 I’ve done do to date. It seems everyone was getting their hike on this month and the result was a non-stop flood of amazing outdoors scenery on my Instagram feed. Mountains seemed […]
Hike or Die TV: Episode 10 – SURVIVAL CHALLENGE Part 3 – The real test of a Survival Kit
Part 3 of our 4-part Survival Challenge series sees us continue to battle hunger and energy levels as we enter our third day without a significant meal. Basic chores like collecting firewood are diminishing our energy resources but are too important to skip. We continue to adjust our approach to finding food with no immediate results at first. If you’re interested in a complete breakdown […]
Hike or Die TV: Episode 9 – SURVIVAL CHALLENGE Part 2 – The real test of a Survival Kit
On Part 2 of our Survival Challenge, the cracks begin to appear when things don’t go too well for Craig. Fatigue and hunger begin to work against us both as we begin to find shortcomings in our gear and skills. We begin the search for any food we can find to help us keep up with the calories we are burning.
Hike or Die TV: Episode 8 – SURVIVAL CHALLENGE Part 1 – The real test of a Survival Kit
When you bring up the topic of survival kits amongst outdoor enthusiasts you’re bound to get a hundred conflicting opinions. When you think about how significantly personal experience, terrain and personal preferences influence what is packed, then it’s no surprise they vary so much. Over the years Craig and I have always had our own discussions around survival kits and probably watched more […]

4 Reasons why you should plan your own Solo Adventure
Solo adventuring has all the physical and mental attributes of the hardest challenges I have completed but with that extra sweetness of knowing I completed it alone. It forces you to tap into unknown areas of yourself. It creates an environment where you can absorb every minute of your journey with a kind of clarity that you probably didn’t realise existed. It strips back the […]
Hike or Die TV: Episode 7 – Snakes on a Hike – Part 2
Hike or Die TV: Episode 6 – Snakes on a Hike – Part 1
Hike or Die TV: Episode 5 – Solo overnight hike with Craig
It’s no secret that Craig and I have been delving further and further into solo hiking and camping of late. After my solo canoe trip through the Noosa Everglades I felt, and still feel that something changed inside me. It’s still difficult to put into words but there is something quite primal about being alone in the wild and depending on your own judgement for […]