It’s sad to even have to discuss a topic like this, but people are often looking for others to blame, even if Mother Nature is responsible.
In this case, Everest Guide, Garrett Madison decided to abort a summit attempt due to a potentially dangerous chunk of glacier ice looming over the route. Most people would be grateful for a guide putting their personal safety (and that of the group) over their own ego or an individual’s goals. Garrett however, was slapped with a lawsuit from his client upon their return for not getting him to the summit as promised. Unfortunately for the accuser, Garrett had a watertight contract stating that safety comes before getting to the summit. Logic prevailed and after 3 years, the case has been dropped with no fault found on Garrett’s part.
As discussed in the podcast, we have to see this as a win not just for guides on Everest, but any kind of tour or group leader in any kind of outdoor pursuit. We can’t have a situation where guides withdraw their services due to fear of similar repercussions.
Read the full article here: