You accept a hiking invitation with a new crew or hiking buddy. You get to the trail head and start the day. At first they set a pretty steady pace, perhaps a little faster than you are used to, but all good for now. However, as the hours pass and you begin to slow down, they just pull away into the distance. It’s all good as you come out of the next bend though and see them taking a rest on a log, waiting for you to catch up. Or is it??? Just as you approach, they smile, stand up, throw their pack back on and continue.
Sadly, I think we’ve all been on the receiving end of that deal at some point for various reasons. Fitness, sickness, injury, bravado and the list goes on. So the question I put to you is, do you consider that to be a respectful way of treating your hiking pals? Check out he full article and see if it gets you as wound up as it did me.
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