When you take a look at Chase Tucker’s credentials and experience it starts to become very clear that he is a voice worth listening to in the world of hiking and climbing fitness. Aside from perhaps the more typical Personal Trainer and Fitness qualifications, Chase has also acquired Altitude Training and Expedition Leader experience. When you speak to him though, here’s no mistaking where his true love lies. It’s Strength and Conditioning Coaching, specifically for mountain climbers and hikers, and he’s happy to tell you all about it.
What I really love about Chase is his calm and balanced demeanour despite all of his experience and qualifications. He presents his YouTube videos with a no-fuss, no-BS delivery that I found extremely refreshing in a sea of “fitness gurus” on the internet.
My goal while talking to him on the podcast was to get some tips and advice for our listeners but also dig deeper and find out what Chase was all about. I’m pretty sure I achieved all of that and perhaps a little more. He was a fantastic guest, he was so open to sharing his experiences and advice and I know you will enjoy this episode.
Keep up to date with all of Chase Tucker’s outdoor adventures and training sessions:
Website: basecamptraining.com.au
Facebook: basecampfit
Instagram: @chase_mountains
YouTube: Chase Mountains