Survival Kit Breakdown Part 1

A survival kit is a very, very personal item. They way it’s put together, it’s contents and the priority items change significantly from person to person. The contents and size of a kit also differ depending on how long and in what terrain you intend to survive.

In this video, I’ll take you through my personal survival kit that I carry with me at all times when hiking, canoeing, hunting etc. I’ve developed this kit as a 24-48hr kit specifically designed for areas that I regularly hike and spend time outdoors. Recently we pushed the limits of this kit in a controlled environment and pushed it out to 4 days by collecting wild edibles and catching & trapping fish and crayfish.

If you only take one thing from this video, remember this: A survival kit is like a spare car tire. It’s completely useless if you leave it at home and don’t have it when you need it most.

Hope you enjoy this video and pick up a few things. Parts 2, 3 & 4 will be dropping in the coming weeks.

Thanks again for all of your support.
The Hike or Die Team
